Sunday, January 25, 2009

150 Page Update!

Although trudi is ignored by Eva at school, Eva still comes over almost every day to play with Trudi and Seehund. During one of these outings, Trudi and Eva discuss their future occupations. Eva wants to be a doctor while Trudi want to be a teacher. Trudi was told by her teacher that she could never be a teacher because she was too short and the children would never respect her. Eva told her that she could be anything that she wanted to be. On one of their outings, Seehund encounters a bird in his path. He takes it in his jaw and kills it. This greatly upsets the girls, so they take it to be stuffed and add it to Eva's collection of stuffed birds.
At school, Eva is shunned by the other girls. Now that Eva was an outcast, she tried to fit in again by not choosing Trudi to be on her team. She refused to let Trudi join in, so, to take revenge, Trudi tells everyone about Eva's secret mark on her chest. For this short period of time, they pretended to be her friends.
At this time, Trudi takes notice of a boy in her class, Hans-Jurgen, that is always in trouble. She can see rage in his eyes much like her own. After she notices this, she and Eva enter his family's big barn to see the new litter of kittens. Hans-Jurgen steals one of them and pretends it is a bird. He takes it up by its tail and whirls it around in circles until he lets go. The kitten hits the wall and immediately dies. Evan and trudi were horrified.
During this year, a carnival comes to Burgdorf. In this carnival is a dwarf women elaborately dressed. Trudi has never seen anyone else like her before and takes great interest in her. Trudi is called down to be the dwarf woman's assistant. Her name is Pia, and Trudi is greatly intrigued by her. They make up a fantasy world filled with waterfalls where all their people live. After the show, Trudi goes to her trailor to learn more about other dwarves. Pia says that one day Trudi will understand how to comfort herself, but for now to take comfort in knowing there are other people out there just like them.
When Trudi was thirteen, she came across a pivotal moment in her life. After one day of swimming, she encounters her old friend Georg with three of his other friends; one including the mischievous boy, Hans-Jurgen. They find that she was spying on them and take her back to Hans-Jurgen's barn. There they explore her differences. Trudi lashes out at Seehund because she is ashamed.

150 pages down. 375 to go.


  1. That Hans-Jurgen guy has an awesome first name. Do you like your book?

  2. Yes. Hans is a good name. I am actually enjoying it.

  3. No anti-German sentiments are there?

  4. Unless you say different I'll assume that is a yes.

  5. Well, there are people who are in love with him and others who are terrified and rebellious.

  6. You're talking about Hitler, correct? I just meant Germans as a whole.

  7. Well, some people don't like the Germans.

  8. I know, but I didn't write this book, so you can't blame me.
